Girl with a pink hat

Hello! Thank you for visiting! I am your writer, outdoor enthusiast, traveler, and creative spirit behind Ficus Boutique. Focusing on fitness, nature, and travel I help modern women live their best lives. I hope these pages will inspire you to craft your desired life.

Coming from the Czech Republic, moving to the US, and visiting 30+ countries around the world, travel is in my DNA. I learn so much when I travel, and I want to inspire you to explore new places, cultures, and perspectives.

As a competitive tennis player, skier, and hiker, exercise has shaped who I am. Competitive athletics equipped me with life skills I rely on long after I stopped competing. Staying fit allows me to do the many things I love doing and is critical for my mental wellbeing. By sharing fitness stories, I encourage you to keep active to maintain good physical and mental health and build confidence to pursue more in your life.

I grew up in a small town, close to nature. After nearly a decade in Washington DC, I moved to Colorado, so that I could spend more time outdoors and in the mountains. Nature gives me perspective and allows me to unplug. I encourage others to spend time outdoors for their wellbeing.

I started Ficus Boutique during a period of transition in my life. During that time, I realized that many of us, women in particular, live smaller than we need to be. We limit how we can enjoy life and what we can be. I believe we can change that. I don’t have it all figured out in my own life or for Ficus Boutique, but I know that working on creating my best life and helping others do the same is a passion of mine! And I will keep at it. For you and for me. 


Join Ficus Boutique Community!

4 women looking at camera in front of a lake

Ficus Boutique offers multiple ways for you to engage: 

  • Bi-weekly newsletter: every two weeks, I send to my community a short journal with tips and ideas on fitness, nature, and travel. GET Ficus Boutique Journal 
  • Blog: my blogs go back to 2019 and are organized around my key themes: fitness, nature, travel, and personal growth. 
  • Retreats: I lead mountain wellness retreats. If you are interested in a retreat, send me a note  at

Do You Want to Know More?

Follow me on Instagram: @ficusboutiquevibes

Send me an email:

woman in glasses knelling by red rock with red mountains in background