Personal Growth

What Is Your Personal Legacy? Live with More Intention.

Straight road with mountains in the background

I have just finished reading Simon Alexander Ong’s book Energize. I loved the book and highly recommend it to anyone looking to upcharge their life. In the latter part of the book, Ong talks about personal legacy. He asks the reader how they want to be remembered and what legacy they want to leave behind. 

This question really struck a chord with me. I never gave the concept of legacy much thought. Somewhere back in my brain, legacy was associated with famous people who accomplished a lot and left major things behind them. It never crossed my mind that legacy can also apply to ‘regular humans’ like me. 


If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.

Maya Angelou


As I was rocking in my hammock, I put the book down for a moment, closed my eyes, and reflected on why I never thought about legacy and what I would like my personal legacy to be. The answer to the first point is likely rooted in my thinking too small and not believing that I could accomplish something magnificent. The answer to the second point will take me longer to figure out. But I have made the first step – I decided I want to be clear on what I want my personal legacy to be. 

I am excited about the idea to create the vision for my personal legacy. Having this more clearly defined will give me a guiding north star to work towards. Instead of going through life trying this and that and perhaps being successful in ‘this and that,’ I want the ‘this and that’ to be intentional. I want it to be part of a bigger picture that leads towards my north star, towards my bigger goal. 

My brain is buzzing with excitement. It feels as if I have given myself a permission to think bigger, act bolder, and create something that comes from my heart. It will take work, but I feel ready for it.

So, as I buzz here in my high energy lane, I will leave you with the same question: what do you want your personal legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?


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