Personal Growth

Listen to Yourself – What Period of Life Are You in Right Now?

Ocean and beach cliffs

I have heard that there are periods of expansion and periods of going inward in our lives. I believe it. I have had times when I have felt like creating, meeting new people, trying new experiences, exploring the world, and stepping up my efforts towards my goals. And then there are times when I want to slow down, process things, work to understand myself better, and bring calming things in my life. Can you relate?

In recent weeks, I have been going inward. I am craving time to process my own thoughts and emotions. I feel the need to slow down. I am seeking safe space conversations with close friends. I want to rest.

Life was expansive and full for a bit – I started a new job, I released the vibes & strides magazine, I began a new exercise routine, and I traveled. It was exciting. At the same time, I had to care for our sick dog and work through some things in my close relationships. Gradually, I noticed I was distracted, I was forgetting small things, and I did not feel myself. One day, I almost got in a car accident; it shook me to my core and made me pause. I realized, I signed up for too much, as exciting as it might have been.  

Luckily, some time before this I signed up for a wellness retreat and it came just as I felt I was beginning to lose the ground under my feet. I flew to California and spent three days in the lovely La Jolla, San Diego, hiking, kayaking, walking on the beach, meditating, and doing some deep inner work under the guidance of a selfcare coach. I did not even realize how much I needed this until I was there. The timing was perfect.

These few days near the ocean with beach walks, yoga, and supportive company made me realize I was going for too much – I was fitting too much in my schedule (even if things I loved and enjoyed). I needed to reset, slow down, and remove things from the to-do list that is always running in my mind. During those three days, I slept for nine plus hours every night, released myself from any obligations I had felt before going there, and gave myself a permission to play and be light. 

After I returned, I began some new practices that are helping me be more present, relaxed, and focused. I started gratitude journaling. I intentionally remove things from my to-do list to allow myself to rest at the end of the day instead of trying to tackle the next thing. I take breaks from my phone to limit the distraction and stimulation to my mind that does not serve a particular purpose. I already feel how these few simple practices have helped me be more present, balanced, and focused.

If this resonates with you, think about what small, simple steps in your daily routines would help you bring more balance and peace. It doesn’t need to be anything groundbreaking. Sometimes it is small shifts and fine tuning that can have a major lasting impact.

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  1. This resonates, Linda! Totally. There was a time in my life that I was so overbooked, I had social engagements in my calendar weeks and even months ahead, filling up every weekend and leaving myself very little time to rest (especially given the amount of travel I was doing for my job and raising two young children at home!). Over the years, I learned how valuable empty calendars and unplanned weekends are. And while I still have a hard time saying no to people when an invitation comes my way, I am increasingly understanding how important it is to say “yes” to myself first. I am so glad you had the time away in California.

    1. Thank you for this wonderful reflection.

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