Personal Growth

Where Do You Find Inspiration?

green mountain tops with large trees and cloudy blue sky

Where do you look for inspiration? I mean, seriously. Where do you find inspiration to get more fit, to start that new project, to tackle the next big task at work, to be the better version of yourself for your family, to get unstuck, to find your path? From things small to big, joyful to challenging, it is important to understand our inner self and what the sources, conducive environments, or people are that give us ideas, help us find solutions, and inspire us to march forward. 

In our daily lives, we often go about our business, going through the motions, and completing our to-do lists (well, sometimes we don’t…), which is all important, but it should not be the only way how we spend our days. It is important to find time and space for that ‘spark’ that ignites inside us or the ‘aha’ or ‘yes, I so want to do this’ moments. And let me be clear, I am not talking about the times when you better organize your to-do or shopping list in your head or remember the task you forgot earlier. I am talking about the moments when you decide to run a marathon, sign-up for a dance class for the first time, figure out the perfect solution for the work project that your team has struggled with for weeks, or find a new way how to help your child improve their math. These moments happen occasionally for all of us, but to live a full live, to move beyond going through the motions (which can over time lead to resentment), we should cultivate the time and space for these moments. For some people, it may come quite naturally, others may have to practice this cultivation. And I imagine that the activity, time, place, or people that give us this spark and inspire us vary greatly from person to person. 

Being more mindful and paying more attention to my body’s and soul’s needs in the past few years has allowed me to learn more about what works for me. I do not have the perfect formula, but I now recognize that I really need this spark and inspiration to feel like I am moving and working towards something bigger. And I have learned what the spaces and situations are that create the mental space for me to get inspired, get new ideas, and find motivation to pursue them. 

This will vary greatly from person to person, but for me, spending active time in nature is at the top. I get so many ideas on hikes. I think it is the combination of blood flow and endorphins from the physical activity, the lack of any distractions, and the peacefulness of the nature around me. Things that my brain is unlikely to come up with elsewhere are suddenly popping in my head with great clarity. For example, the idea of starting this blog came to me as I was hiking with my girlfriends in Slovenia. I had barely read any blogs before and had never thought of my own until this vision was born on a hike in the Triglav National Park. Even shorter walks in nature, trail runs, and sitting down on a park bench have a similar, even if slightly smaller effect. 

Slowing down, reading an inspiring book or a magazine, or simply reflecting in my neat, clean, clutter-free apartment is another way I find inspiration. I am generally pretty active – one of my friends makes fun of me that I always look for that next project or activity. But I do take time to slow down because I know I need it! Usually, it is early in the morning on the weekdays or after I clean up and organize my place on the weekends. Often, what works best is if I exercise first and then have a slow breakfast or a cup of tea while I read or just reflect. A lot of new ideas and clarity flow in, naturally, on their own. I note the cleaning and clutter on purpose – I can’t focus or get inspired if my place is messy or needs cleaning. Minimizing clutter and creating a neat place is a precondition for my quiet moments of inspiration. There are other ways and times when I get inspired – travel is certainly very important and I now travel with a journal to write down new ideas, so that I don’t lose them among the experiences from the trip. Inspiring self-improvement books, bold people pursuing their dreams, friends doing interesting things, or showers (yes, I get great ideas while showering!) are all among what ignites my inspiration, but let’s turn to you.  

What is your space, activity, or people that bring you inspiration? Do you know? If yes, great! Pay attention to it and cultivate it. If not, I think it is very much worth it to find what it is for you, what works for your personality and lifestyle, and how you can intentionally create space for it in your life. It took me time to realize what works for me and I wanted to share a few ideas for how you can find yours. 

Pay attention to the moments when you get a great idea, when you get inspired, when you feel the burning desire to start something new or you suddenly find a solution to something that you have struggled with. Take a mental note of – what was I doing when I got that idea? Where was I? Who was I with? Then assess if it was just a coincidence (possible) or if something similar happened in the past in a similar place, during a similar activity, or with similar people. Take a mental note of it or even write it down. And then experiment to confirm – do the same activity or visit the same place again and see if it has a similar effect. 

Over time, you are likely to find several ways for how you get inspired. Maybe it is a quiet time in a local library, or meeting and discussing anything in the sky with your inspiring best friend, or going for a long run, or cooking. I don’t know what it might be for you, but once you know it, you need to create the space for it. It is very easy to get caught up in the daily motions, but you do not want to miss out on that spark inside you. Create a strategy for finding the space for it – maybe you schedule time to go to the library once a week, or you set-up a regular date with your inspiring best friend in your favorite coffee shop, or you do that long run several times a week in the morning, or you set aside time on weekend evenings to dive deep in your cooking. In other words, once you find the ‘it’ for you, find your own unique ways to create space for your spark moments in your schedule. Because you know what, you can go with the daily motions forever, but is that what you really want? Aren’t you ready for more? Don’t you love those moments when you are so inspired? I am sure you do, so let’s prioritize them to ignite the magic in your life. 

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